Saturday, January 30, 2010

49th Find

My new etsy shop. I LOVE anything vintage or antique. I'm a history junkie, I really enjoy the stories from history and OLD stuff just really strikes my fancy. I'm also constantly in the local thrift shops (I've got to clothe 7 people on a ministers budget). So I came up with an idea that I could turn my love of hunting for ancient gems into a way to provide a little extra cash-ola. Hey, somebody's got to support this shopping habbit of mine...tee hee.

Here is my new shop and some of my first finds. More to come!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wowsers! Time Flies.....

Holy Smokes (as Grandpa used to say), I can hardly believe 3 months has gone by since I last blogged. Ok closer to 4 months but who is really counting but me? Here's what I've been up to (in a nut shell of course).


We made applesauce out of Alaska's tiny and super tart apples. Because the apples are so small it is best if you cook the whole apple and then press it through a sieve to strain out all of the skins, stems and seeds. Because of the bright color of the apple skin our applesauce was the most amazing pink lemonade like color. We added plenty of sugar so it was nice and sweet too! We processed three 5 gallon buckets of apples and have actually eaten it all already! My tatse buds are eagerly awaiting next years crop.

God's creation is amazing:

When the leaves dropped from the trees around our new house we were in awe of the view that was revealed and the sunrises over the Chugach mountain range were incredible. When you live somewhere with no sunrise or sunset for months on end, you are overwhelmed and in awe of it when it returns. Its my very favorite thing about "heading into the darkness" or the darker season we have here.

We had some fun:You're never too old for dress up! My girls are growing up way too fast for my liking but they still love to dress up and twirl. Thank you Jane Austen!

I made some fun stuff:
To give away: an upcycled Super Lucky Elephant bag for my daughters friend.

To Sell: This super cute corduroy lined sling and many more of WAS the craft bazaar season after all.

To Keep: Upcycled vintage fabric and button cross for my cross collection. I've made a couple more to sell but have not listed them yet.

And ..............

JUST FOR FUN: My crazy pets in funny positions..